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So now we're here...

How many sites does this make now? By this point, I might as well be an internet nomad. The same username for years, migrating from one site to the next, hoping both to be known and carve out a home for myself.

It obviously hasn't worked yet.

When did this nomadic wandering start? Sometime back in the early 2000's when I discovered forums. Where did the username come from? 2003, when I started writing a trilogy that's never seen its end. Why has it never evolved with me? Because some egotistical part of me believes that the people I knew back in my forum days will find me, recognize me, and follow me again.

Which brings us to today. My trek from, to, to, to, to a myriad of tumblr pages has at last brought me here. To creating my own page.

Here is where I will put my writing --both original and otherwise--, my thoughts --both organized and otherwise--, and everything that otherwise plagues me and begs to be put into words.

Let's see if this will be any different. Let's see if I stick with this where I let the others die.

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