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I'm a veteran of the internet, though I will never claim to understand its ways or its people. I've witnessed the birth and death of many a forum and social media site, and have migrated along with the crowds many a time. I am another faceless voice in the sea of information that so many take for granted.

I'm also horribly long winded, dramatic, and opinionated. I feel very strongly about the things that I care about, and I often find it hard to engage with things I don't understand. 

In other words, I'm a person. 

I'm also a Literature Major with an English Minor, so I am often most comfortable expressing myself in the written word, coherent or otherwise. This is why I've started a blog. 

I am passionate, and I often find myself overwhelmed by my emotional responses to events, ideas, or discussions I witness or am a part of. I hope to use this place as a place to put words to my passion, and help other people look at things the way I do. I don't mean to change minds or shift perspectives; I mean to empty my own head and hope that someone may see something in it. 

I am also an avid lover of video games, novels, anime, manga, music, and cosplay. Lastly, I do not smoke. I was being dramatic for a photo.

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